

发布时间:2022-04-14 23:35:01

1、I'm tired of paying too much in return too little results. 我厭倦了付出太多回報太少的結果。

2、If you do not leave, I do not discard. 你若不離,我亦不棄。

3、Our story begins. 我們故事的開始

4、Out of all your lies ,I love youwas my favorite. 在你所有的謊言裏面,“我愛你”是

5、Love you more than myself. 愛你勝過愛自己。

6、I eat aloneI sleep aloneI cry aloneSo ..cool. (我一個人吃,一個人睡,一人默默流淚,挺好! )

7、Enthusiastic people to do what is right or wrong unrequited love. 熱情對錯了人做什麽都是自作多情。

8、I can not choose the best choose me. 我不能選擇那最好的自己是那最好的選擇了我。

9、To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 愛自己是終身浪漫的開始。

10、Close your eyes. Clear your heart. Let it go. 閉上眼,清空你的心。随它去吧 。

11、L'amore l'evoluzione di un tale fallimento, lasciando profondamente impotente. 愛情演變的如此失敗,隻留下那深深的無奈。

12、Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow. 蒼白的月光下,我和影子述說寂寞。

13、In fact I really miss some people,something of some time. 其實我很想念某些時候的某些人某些事

14、善良我自己擔 好壞與你無關 It's none of your business to be kind to

15、Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. 忠于你的夢想,總有一天,屬于你的彩虹會出現在你的上空。

16、First I need your hand, then forever can begin. 我需要牽着你的手,才能告訴你什麽是永遠。

17、Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round. 你那麽平凡的名字卻影

18、I want happiness, Be you give a care.我要的幸福,是你給予的在乎

19、Don't let yourself down. It's not easy to get here. 别辜負自己, 走到今天真的不容易。

20、Down saved up enough I do not want to go. 失望攢夠了我也不願走。

21、I will wait for you to find me in the crowd. 我會靜靜的等你在人海中找到我。

22、i will never leave you, i need you 我不會離開你,我需要你。

23、If we don't have the guts to try anything, what's the meaning of life. 如果我們任何事情都沒有勇氣去

24、Don’t and I said I’m sorry, I don’t want to and you it doesn’t 不要和我說對不起,我不希望我們沒關系

25、If it is wrong to love you, then my heart just won't let me be right. 愛上你是一種錯,但我的心卻慫恿我一錯再錯。

26、To see people in time and heart, not with your eyes

27、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq. 【vs】 時間真是個偉大的東西啊,可以讓命運颠沛流離。

28、who is whose who, who TAKE WHOM SERIous. 誰是誰的誰的誰,誰把誰當真。

29、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered. 如果隻是遇見,不能停留,不如不遇。

30、I don't think whether can succeed, since the choice of the distance, they only trials and hardships. 我不去想是否能夠成功,既然選擇了遠方,便隻顧風雨兼程。

31、Believe it or not. There's somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you. 不管你信不信,有個人正在等待希望能遇到像你這樣的人。

32、Drove the car into a tree, he still cool! 開車撞到了樹,表情依舊很酷!

33、I do not follow, I live is always all you want. 我不會遵循,我過的生活從來都是自己想要的

34、All in all, just past. Ever had, only memories. 一切的一切,隻是過去。曾經的曾經,隻是回憶。

35、Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good. 每段青春都會蒼老,但我希望記憶裏的你一直都好。

36、The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right.   面對滿滿的失望也隻能倔強笑着說沒有。

37、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. 有一天那個人走進了你的生命,你就會明白,真愛總是值得等待的。

38、I look up at the sky in prayer as though you might appear 我仰望天空仿佛在祈禱你會出現

39、happy birthday t

40、We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all. 我們不敢太在乎,是因爲害怕别人壓根兒不在乎。

41、What does not kill you makes you stronger. 任何不會緻你于死的都會讓你變得更強。

42、No matter how far we will be very good. 無論多遠,我們會很好的。

43、What can I say to make you understand? 願你懂我。

44、Love's tongue is in the eyes. 愛情的話語全在雙眼之中。

45、You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt.你說,哪天我不要你了,你一定終身不嫁,讓我内疚。

46、Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness. 悲傷已經夠難受了, 更何況是隐藏悲傷。

47、The good seaman is known in bad weather. 驚濤駭浪,方顯英雄本色。

48、I admit that I did not want to let you go, but you don't want me. 我承認不是我想要放你走,而是你始終都不要我。

49、All you meet is providence, and all you have is lucky. 遇見的都是天意,擁有的都是幸運。

50、我不奢求睡來陪我 我和孤獨最般配 I don't want anyone I am the best matvh for solitude

51、有人感激過你的善良麽她們隻會得寸進尺 Some people appreciate your kindness. They will

52、Happiness! There is only you and I together time…

53、One person you loved is not love. 萬千寵愛也不及你一人疼愛。

54、Easy come, easy go. 易得者亦易失

55、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me. 如果有一天你把我弄丢了,那我就永遠讓你找不到我。

56、Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye. 有時候,除了說再見,無路可走。

57、A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. 對一顆不快樂的心來說,一個擁抱就是千言萬語。

58、I created you concede the fact that I do not have to love again perfunctory explanation. 我的退讓造就了你們相愛的事實我不必再敷衍再解釋。

59、You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. 你不用看到整個樓梯,你隻需跨出

60、Delay is the deadliest form of denial

61、So what if we fall down? At least we are still young. 【vs】 摔倒了又怎樣,至少我們還年輕。

62、What it used to be-drama free 我們的愛情曾經如此戲劇化。

63、Separate too much doubt how to hold you. [隔太多懷疑怎麽能抱緊你.]

64、I want to hear you say, do not I you not happy.我想聽你說,沒我你不快樂。

65、This life is too difficult to be coaxed by you. 這一生太難,想被你哄着過完。

66、I am the luckiest person in the world 我是世界上最幸運的人

67、All the family join me in wishing you a happy future

68、zero in your target,and go for it、從零開始,勇往直前!

1、I'm tired of paying too much in return too little results. 我厌倦了付出太多回报太少的结果

2、If you do not leave, I do not discard. 你若不离,我亦不弃

3、Our story begins. 我们故事的开始

4、Out of all your lies ,I love youwas my favorite. 在你所有的谎言里面,“我爱你”是

5、Love you more than myself. 爱你胜过爱自己

6、I eat aloneI sleep aloneI cry aloneSo ..cool. (我一个人吃,一个人睡,一人默默流泪,挺好! )

7、Enthusiastic people to do what is right or wrong unrequited love. 热情对错了人做什么都是自作多情。

8、I can not choose the best choose me. 我不能选择那最好的自己是那最好的选择了我。

9、To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 爱自己是终身浪漫的开始。

10、Close your eyes. Clear your heart. Let it go. 闭上眼,清空你的心。随它去吧 。

11、L'amore l'evoluzione di un tale fallimento, lasciando profondamente impotente. 爱情演变的如此失败,只留下那深深的无奈。

12、Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow. 苍白月光下,我和影子述说寂寞。

13、In fact I really miss some people,something of some time. 其实我很想念某些时候的某些人某些事

14、善良我自己担 好坏与你无关 It's none of your business to be kind to

15、Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. 忠于你的梦想,总有一天,属于你的彩虹会出现在你的上空。

16、First I need your hand, then forever can begin. 我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。

17、Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round. 你那么平凡的名字却影

18、I want happiness, Be you give a care.我要的幸福,是你给予的在乎

19、Don't let yourself down. It's not easy to get here. 别辜负自己, 走到今天真的不容易。

20、Down saved up enough I do not want to go. 失望够了我也不愿走。

21、I will wait for you to find me in the crowd. 我会静静的等你在人海中找到我。

22、i will never leave you, i need you 我不会离开你,我需要你。

23、If we don't have the guts to try anything, what's the meaning of life. 如果我们任何事情都没有勇气去

24、Don’t and I said I’m sorry, I don’t want to and you it doesn’t 不要和我说对不起,我不希望我们没关系

25、If it is wrong to love you, then my heart just won't let me be right. 爱上你是一种错,但我的心却怂恿我一错再错。

26、To see people in time and heart, not with your eyes

27、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq. 【vs】 时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。

28、who is whose who, who TAKE WHOM SERIous. 谁是谁的谁的谁,谁把谁当真。

29、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered. 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇。

30、I don't think whether can succeed, since the choice of the distance, they only trials and hardships. 我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程

31、Believe it or not. There's somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you. 不管你信不信,有个人正在等待希望能遇到像你这样的人。

32、Drove the car into a tree, he still cool! 开车撞到了树,表情依旧很酷!

33、I do not follow, I live is always all you want. 我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要

34、All in all, just past. Ever had, only memories. 一切的一切,只是过去。曾经的曾经,只是回忆。

35、Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good. 每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。

36、The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right.   面对满满的失望也只能倔强笑着说没有。

37、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. 有一天那个人进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

38、I look up at the sky in prayer as though you might appear 我仰望天空仿佛在祈祷你会出现

39、happy birthday t

40、We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all. 我们不敢太在乎,是因为害怕别人压根儿不在乎

41、What does not kill you makes you stronger. 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强。

42、No matter how far we will be very good. 无论多远,我们会很好的。

43、What can I say to make you understand? 愿你懂我。

44、Love's tongue is in the eyes. 爱情的话语全在双眼之中。

45、You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt.你说,哪天我不要你了,你一定终身不嫁,让我内疚。

46、Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness. 悲伤已经够难受了, 更何况是隐藏悲伤。

47、The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

48、I admit that I did not want to let you go, but you don't want me. 我承认不是我想要放你走,而是你始终都不要我。

49、All you meet is providence, and all you have is lucky. 遇见的都是天意,拥有的都是幸运。

50、我不奢求睡来陪我 我和孤独最般配 I don't want anyone I am the best matvh for solitude

51、有人感激过你的善良么她们只会得寸进尺 Some people appreciate your kindness. They will

52、Happiness! There is only you and I together time…

53、One person you loved is not love. 万千宠爱也不及你一人疼爱。

54、Easy come, easy go. 易得者亦易失

55、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me. 如果有一天你把我弄丢了,那我就永远让你找不到我。

56、Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye. 有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。

57、A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. 对一颗不快乐的心来说,一个拥抱就是千言万语。

58、I created you concede the fact that I do not have to love again perfunctory explanation. 我的退让造就了你们相爱的事实我不必再敷衍再解释

59、You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. 你不用看到整个楼梯,你只需跨出

60、Delay is the deadliest form of denial

61、So what if we fall down? At least we are still young. 【vs】 摔倒了又怎样,至少我们还年轻

62、What it used to be-drama free 我们的爱情曾经如此戏剧化。

63、Separate too much doubt how to hold you. [隔太多怀疑怎么能抱紧你.]

64、I want to hear you say, do not I you not happy.我想听你说,没我你不快乐。

65、This life is too difficult to be coaxed by you. 这一生太难,想被你哄着过完。

66、I am the luckiest person in the world 我是世界上最幸运的人

67、All the family join me in wishing you a happy future

68、zero in your target,and go for it、从零开始,勇往直前
















