
英文版经典个性签名 I'm

发布时间:2022-02-22 07:35:02

1、Can not give you the best will help you want 給不了你最好的 就成全你想要的

2、Wish somebody and you wander, a gentle day never against. 願有人與你颠沛流離,以溫柔計日從不違心。

3、How could my dream everyone understand. 我的夢怎麽可能每個人都懂。

4、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time、 The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions、 我們在錯誤的時間相遇,在正确的時間卻又分開。走的最急的是最美的景色,傷的最深的是最真的感情。

5、Mean, is the fate of the choice you rather than other situation.命運的意思是,是處境選擇你而不是其他。

6、I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream 【聽說海也哽咽着昨天的夢.】

7、I would not say love, but I said is true 我不會說情話,但我說的都是真心話

8、Life is a on return journey. 人生是一段沒有退路的旅程。

9、My temper off a lot of people but the most people really. 我的脾氣趕走了很多人但留下了最真的人。

10、Young time we have not expected, in a hurry a wrong body, on error this life. 年少時的我們未曾料到,匆匆一個錯身,就錯失了今生。

11、sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. 有時愛情是朵含蓄的花,需要時間才會怒放。

12、Maybe some people are really good for some time. 或許換個時間,有些人真的很合适。

13、I want to be reborn, love you again, will not love you so humbly.我想重生,再愛你一次,不會在這麽卑

14、Not to eat the vinegar acid first tempted people the most miserable. 吃不到的醋最酸 先動心的人最慘。

15、When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen. 自己的人生自己書寫,别給别人執筆之機。

16、Time Is a Great Thing, Can Let Fate Displaced Within Iraq. 時間真是個偉大的東西啊可以讓命運颠沛流離

17、Sun for morning, moon for night, and you forever. 太陽是白晝,月亮是夜晚,而你是我的永遠。

18、Your heart I will never touch the city. 你的心是我永遠觸摸不到的城。

19、Previous life remember, is now hard to forget. 以前死命記住,現在拼命忘記。

20、The past is all gone. Being happy is the top priority. 過去了就過去了,重要的是自己要快樂

21、The impasse of the love for some people is tired of for some people's life. 愛的盡頭對于有些人來說是厭倦 對于有些人來說是生命。

22、Whether you have forgotten how to love or I have changed the idea of love you. 是否你已經忘記了怎麽來愛還是我已經改變了愛你的想法。

23、Down enough to let go 失望攢夠了就放手吧

24、100 thousand miles, I just want you. 人海十萬裏,我隻想要你

25、I am not rejecting you, I am protecting me. 我不是在拒絕你,我是在保護我自己。

26、Sometimes, miss is not time, is feeling

27、Let time to my deep love man. 願時光善待我深愛之人

28、People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love. 能頂着風險做自己熱愛之事的人,都經曆過很多磨難。

29、Time past so long, will you still think I remember like you remember me?

30、Hopefully in the future, whether or not each of the seasons of loneliness will not be let down

31、女孩子都是神明遺落在世間的寶藏.Girls are treasures left by the gods

32、The leaves fall in autumn, take not to go is summer injury.落葉飄零的秋天,帶不走的是夏傷。

33、Can let me forget about the past, he is my future. 能讓我忘記過去的人,他就是我的未來

34、Love isn't hard to find, trust is. 難找的不是愛,是信任。

35、Don't count on your love touched got him. (别指望你的愛感動得了他)

36、You do not belong to me (你已不屬于我.)

37、Memory is full of you 【vs】 回憶裏全是你。

38、He is the most blue sea of my youth

39、I'm about to lose my mind,You've been gone for so long (我快要瘋了你離開了太久。)

40、In the future, I will not wait, even if you are in. 以後的以後,我不會再等待,縱然你在。

41、I want someone whos afraid of losing me

42、Laugh, make, quarrel, cry, now I need is indifferent. 笑過,鬧過,吵過,哭過,如今我需要的是冷漠。

43、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永遠不要低估你改變自我的能力!

44、Money is not everything There‘s Mastercard & Visa 鈔票不是萬能的,有時還需要信用卡。

45、Life is really simple, but we still couldn't keep it be very complicated. 生活其實一直都很簡單,但是我們也一直都忍不住要把它變得很複雜。

46、Warm too deep Company is too short. 溫暖太深 陪伴太短。

47、Go for it! = Just do it! 加油!向前沖!做了再說!

48、It had be better to forget you, but I do not really want to. 最好可以忘了你,但我真的不願意。

49、You go out of my sight ,but always go out my missing for you. 你走的出我的視線,卻永遠走不出我對你的思念。

50、All lives end,all hearts are broken. 生命都會終結,徒留一顆破碎的心。

51、How to say goodbye to someone you don't want to lose. 該如何跟你不想失去的人說再見。

52、Not all people will be sincerely to you. 【不是所有人都會真心對你】

53、He is no longer my world, because my world collapsed. 他不再是我的世界,因爲我的世界已塌陷。

54、It's amazing how the first heartbreak changes your outlook on every relationship after that. 很神奇,第一次的心碎會大大改觀你對之後每段關系的看法。

55、Across the galaxy, across the moon, to meet your better self. (跨過星河邁過月亮去迎接更好的自己)

56、If I become more apathy, please remember, once needs to accompany, you only said busy. 她将她的幸福許給他,他卻将寂寞歸還與她。從此,天涯海角,各不相望!

57、Give me endless summer

58、Out water slide with a smile

59、Heart has been broken off, no one knows。[心已碎掉,沒有人知道]

60、I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop. 擦肩而過時我沒有拉住你你也沒有停留。

61、Every parting, it is a feast to the pain. 每一次的離别,都是一場傷痛盛宴。

62、Be profound, be funny, or be quiet. 要麽有深度,要麽有趣,要麽安靜。

63、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag. 謝謝你的微笑,曾慌亂過我的年華。

64、let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves 生如夏花般絢爛,死如秋葉般靜美 

65、Can let me forget about the past, he is my future. 能讓我忘記過去的人他就是我的未來。

66、Disappointments come unexpectedly even with a stiff smile. 突如其來的委屈連笑都帶着僵硬。

67、Can not give you the best will help you want. 給不了你最好的 就成全你想要的。

68、why don't you make it back to a,B,C,and D.〔不如兩清,做回甲乙丙丁〕

69、Empty promises will wear. 空洞的承諾總會磨損殆盡。

70、Everything is for you, but you did not respond. 所做的一切都是爲了你,你卻沒有回應。

71、Love yourself first, so you know what you deserve. 先愛你自己,你才會知道自己值得讓誰來愛。

72、Because when young, with a total want of good in the future. 隻因那時年少,總把未來想的太好。

73、You are the apple of my eye. 你是我眼裏最珍貴的人。

74、(I was too strong, or you can not be me sad.)是我太堅強,還是你不容我悲傷。

75、I forget that you're just a false impression. 我忘了,你隻是一個假象。

76、You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑

77、[ Rely on I don't need your false! ] 我不需要你那虛僞的依靠

1、Can not give you the best will help you want 给不了你最好的 就成全你想要

2、Wish somebody and you wander, a gentle day never against. 愿有人与你颠沛流离,以温柔计日从不违心。

3、How could my dream everyone understand. 我的梦怎么可能每个人都懂。

4、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time、 The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions、 我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。

5、Mean, is the fate of the choice you rather than other situation.命运的意思是,是处境选择你而不是其他。

6、I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream 【听说海也哽咽着昨天的梦.】

7、I would not say love, but I said is true 我不会说情话,但我说的都是真心

8、Life is a on return journey. 人生是一段没有退路的旅程。

9、My temper off a lot of people but the most people really. 我的脾气走了很多人但留下了最真的人。

10、Young time we have not expected, in a hurry a wrong body, on error this life. 年少时的我们未曾料到,匆匆一个错身,就错失了今生。

11、sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. 有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放。

12、Maybe some people are really good for some time. 或许换个时间,有些人真的很合适

13、I want to be reborn, love you again, will not love you so humbly.我想重生,再爱你一次,不会在这么卑

14、Not to eat the vinegar acid first tempted people the most miserable. 吃不到的醋最酸 先动心的人最惨。

15、When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen. 自己的人生自己书写,别给别人执笔之机。

16、Time Is a Great Thing, Can Let Fate Displaced Within Iraq. 时间真是个伟大的东西啊可以让命运颠沛流离

17、Sun for morning, moon for night, and you forever. 太阳是白昼,月亮是夜晚,而你是我的永远。

18、Your heart I will never touch the city. 你的心是我永远触摸不到的城。

19、Previous life remember, is now hard to forget. 以前死命记住,现在拼命忘记。

20、The past is all gone. Being happy is the top priority. 过去了就过去了,重要的是自己要快乐

21、The impasse of the love for some people is tired of for some people's life. 爱的尽头对于有些人来说是厌倦 对于有些人来说是生命。

22、Whether you have forgotten how to love or I have changed the idea of love you. 是否你已经忘记了怎么来爱还是我已经改变了爱你的想法。

23、Down enough to let go 失望够了放手

24、100 thousand miles, I just want you. 人海十万里,我只想要你

25、I am not rejecting you, I am protecting me. 我不是在拒绝你,我是在保护我自己。

26、Sometimes, miss is not time, is feeling

27、Let time to my deep love man. 愿时光善待我深爱之人

28、People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love. 能顶着风险做自己热爱之事的人,都经历过很多磨难。

29、Time past so long, will you still think I remember like you remember me?

30、Hopefully in the future, whether or not each of the seasons of loneliness will not be let down

31、女孩子都是神明遗落在世间的宝藏.Girls are treasures left by the gods

32、The leaves fall in autumn, take not to go is summer injury.落叶飘零的秋天,带不走的是夏伤

33、Can let me forget about the past, he is my future. 能让我忘记过去的人,他就是我的未来

34、Love isn't hard to find, trust is. 难找的不是爱,是信任

35、Don't count on your love touched got him. (别指望你的爱感动得了他)

36、You do not belong to me (你已不属于我.)

37、Memory is full of you 【vs】 回忆里全是你。

38、He is the most blue sea of my youth

39、I'm about to lose my mind,You've been gone for so long (我快要疯了你离开了太久。)

40、In the future, I will not wait, even if you are in. 以后的以后,我不会再等待,纵然你在。

41、I want someone whos afraid of losing me

42、Laugh, make, quarrel, cry, now I need is indifferent. 笑过,闹过,吵过,哭过,如今我需要的是冷漠。

43、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

44、Money is not everything There‘s Mastercard & Visa 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡

45、Life is really simple, but we still couldn't keep it be very complicated. 生活其实一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂

46、Warm too deep Company is too short. 温暖太深 陪伴太短。

47、Go for it! = Just do it! 加油!向前冲!做了再说

48、It had be better to forget you, but I do not really want to. 最好可以忘了你,但我真的不愿意。

49、You go out of my sight ,but always go out my missing for you. 你走的出我的视线,却永远走不出我对你的思念。

50、All lives end,all hearts are broken. 生命都会终结,徒留一颗破碎的心。

51、How to say goodbye to someone you don't want to lose. 该如何跟你不想失去的人说再见。

52、Not all people will be sincerely to you. 【不是所有人都会真心对你】

53、He is no longer my world, because my world collapsed. 他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷

54、It's amazing how the first heartbreak changes your outlook on every relationship after that. 很神奇第一次的心碎会大大改观你对之后每段关系的看法。

55、Across the galaxy, across the moon, to meet your better self. (跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己)

56、If I become more apathy, please remember, once needs to accompany, you only said busy. 她将她的幸福许给他,他却将寂寞归还与她。从此,天涯海角,各不相望!

57、Give me endless summer

58、Out water slide with a smile

59、Heart has been broken off, no one knows。[心已碎掉,没有人知道]

60、I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop. 擦肩而过时我没有拉住你你也没有停留。

61、Every parting, it is a feast to the pain. 每一次的离别,都是一场伤痛盛宴。

62、Be profound, be funny, or be quiet. 要么有深度,要么有趣,要么安静

63、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag. 谢谢你微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。

64、let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves 生如夏花般绚烂,死如秋叶般静美 

65、Can let me forget about the past, he is my future. 能让我忘记过去的人他就是我的未来。

66、Disappointments come unexpectedly even with a stiff smile. 突如其来的委屈连笑都带着僵硬。

67、Can not give you the best will help you want. 给不了你最好的 就成全你想要的。

68、why don't you make it back to a,B,C,and D.〔不如两清,做回甲乙丙丁〕

69、Empty promises will wear. 空洞的承诺总会磨损殆尽。

70、Everything is for you, but you did not respond. 所做的一切都是为了你,你却没有回应

71、Love yourself first, so you know what you deserve. 先爱你自己,你才会知道自己值得让谁来爱。

72、Because when young, with a total want of good in the future. 只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。

73、You are the apple of my eye. 你是我眼里最珍贵的人。

74、(I was too strong, or you can not be me sad.)是我太坚强,还是你不容我悲伤

75、I forget that you're just a false impression. 我忘了,你只是一个假象。

76、You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑

77、[ Rely on I don't need your false! ] 我不需要你那虚伪的依靠







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