

发布时间:2020-06-19 02:44:28

一個深愛他的女孩寫的。【大家都來看看吧。很感人】 小壞蛋. Little buggers. 好久沒這麽叫你了.真的好懷念呀.Not had so much call you. Really really miss ah.哎.不知不覺都好過了這麽多天了.Hey. Unconsciously is better than so many days可你的影子一直在我腦海裏出現.May your shadow has been there in my mind.我很想放下你.可是我做不到.I would like to put you. But I can not.春去秋來 花謝花開Xie, spring and autumn flowers bloom記憶深埋那片心海Deep sea memory piece of mind所謂糾纏 隻是傷害Only hurt the so-called entanglement沒有人會灌溉一切成黑白 No one will irrigate all black and white 隻是我還放不開 對你太依賴But I also let go of you too dependent on隻是我還不能夠釋懷I just can not let go隻是我還放不開 内心的陰霾But I also let go of the shadow of the hear忘了你曾經把我出賣Forget you ever betrayed me一路走來 幾許塵埃Dash of dust along the way愛是誰來還誰的債Who love who is also a debt決定醒來 躲開傷害Decided to wake up to escape injury而命運的安排已無法更改And fate has not changed隻是我還放不開But I also can not let go給我個痛快Give me the enjoyment of隻怪我已不能夠表白I can not just blame the confession隻是我還放不開對你的期待But I can not let go of your expectations無法忽視 真愛的存在Can not ignore the existence of true love 也許你都不相信. Maybe you do not believe. 但是一切都是事實可以證明的. However, all facts can be proved. 我以爲我們可以從來. I think we can never. 但我才發現你跟别人一樣愚昧. But I realize you like everyone else stupid. 不講求證據直接判型. Did not focus on direct evidence of sub-type. 我想你應該知道. I think you should know 一個人最不能相信的就是謠言. Most can not believe a person is rumors. 因爲那裏有最不真實的東西. Because there is the most unreal things. 而我卻是最真實的人. And I was the most real person. 你知道嗎? You know? 我的第一次還沒有人得到呢. No one I get it the first time. 所以跟我結婚的哪個人回證實一切都是謊言的. So which person to marry me back to confirm everything is lies. 請你以後相信愛你的哪個人. After you which one you believe in love. 因爲看上你的人應該是配的上你的人. Because the person you fancy should be assigned on you. 所以祝福你。 So bless you. 雖然我不知道你什麽時候才回看到這封信. Although I do not know when you came back to see the letter. 但我很希望你在我結婚之前看到. But I very much hope to see you before I got married. 因爲我真的很放不開你. Because I really can not relax you. 很愛你. Love you. 我希望你能在結婚之前挽留我. I hope you can retain me before marriage. 但我可能是在做夢. But I might be dreaming. 好長一段夢啊. A long dream ah. 好害怕一切都是空白. To fear everything blank. 無奈. Helpless 永遠愛你. Always love you. 我不知道這樣的選擇到底對還是錯. I do not know right or wrong choice in the end. 所以隻能讓時間證明一切了. We can only let time prove everything. 晚安. Good night.
一个深爱他的女孩写的。【大家都来看看吧。很感人】 小坏蛋. Little buggers. 好久没这么叫你了.真的好怀念呀.Not had so much call you. Really really miss ah.哎.不知不觉都好过了这么多天了.Hey. Unconsciously is better than so many days可你的影子一直在我脑海里出现.May your shadow has been there in my mind.我很想放下你.可是我做不到.I would like to put you. But I can not.春去秋来 花谢花开Xie, spring and autumn flowers bloom记忆深埋那片心海Deep sea memory piece of mind所谓纠缠 只是伤害Only hurt the so-called entanglement没有人会灌溉一切成黑白 No one will irrigate all black and white 只是我还放不开 对你太依赖But I also let go of you too dependent on只是我还不能够释怀I just can not let go只是我还放不开 内心的阴霾But I also let go of the shadow of the hear忘了你曾经把我出卖Forget you ever betrayed me一路走来 几许尘埃Dash of dust along the way爱是谁来还谁的债Who love who is also a debt决定醒来 躲开伤害Decided to wake up to escape injury而命运安排无法更改And fate has not changed只是我还放不开But I also can not let go给我个痛快Give me the enjoyment of只怪我已不能够表白I can not just blame the confession只是我还放不开对你的期待But I can not let go of your expectations无法忽视 真爱的存在Can not ignore the existence of true love 也许你都不相信. Maybe you do not believe. 但是一切都是事实可以证明的. However, all facts can be proved. 我以为我们可以从来. I think we can never. 但我才发现你跟别人一样愚昧. But I realize you like everyone else stupid. 不讲求证据直接判型. Did not focus on direct evidence of sub-type. 我想你应该知道. I think you should know 一个人最不能相信的就是谣言. Most can not believe a person is rumors. 因为那里有最不真实的东西. Because there is the most unreal things. 而我却是最真实的人. And I was the most real person. 你知道吗? You know? 我的第一次还没有人得到呢. No one I get it the first time. 所以跟我结婚的哪个人回证实一切都是谎言的. So which person to marry me back to confirm everything is lies. 请你以后相信爱你的哪个人. After you which one you believe in love. 因为看上你的人应该是配的上你的人. Because the person you fancy should be assigned on you. 所以祝福你。 So bless you. 虽然不知道什么时候才回看到这封信. Although I do not know when you came back to see the letter. 但我很希望你在我结婚之前看到. But I very much hope to see you before I got married. 因为我真的很放不开你. Because I really can not relax you. 很爱你. Love you. 我希望你能在结婚之前挽留我. I hope you can retain me before marriage. 但我可能是在做梦. But I might be dreaming. 好长一段梦啊. A long dream ah. 好害怕一切都是空白. To fear everything blank. 无奈. Helpless 永远爱你. Always love you. 我不知道这样的选择到底对还是错. I do not know right or wrong choice in the end. 所以只能让时间证明一切了. We can only let time prove everything. 晚安. Good night.


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