

发布时间:2022-04-01 04:30:01

1、I need you like a heart needs a beat。我需要你,就像心髒需要跳動。

2、Now, I believe that I am a person can be very good! 現在開始,我相信我一個人可以很好!

3、Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened

4、How many loved your moments of glad grace. 多少人愛過你青春的片影。

5、We are very good but not happened 我們都很好 隻是時間不湊巧

6、Love you is not my intention. I try to be alone, but I can't stop missing you. 愛你,不是我有意的。我試着孤獨,卻止不住思念。

7、All in all, just past. Ever had, only memories. 一切的一切,隻是過去。曾經的曾經,隻是回憶

8、When you think you are not in. 想你的時候你也恰好不在

9、Withered flower is beautiful, the tears falling is broken, is hard to redeem past sins. 凋殘的是花謝的美,落下的是破碎的淚,難贖的是前世的罪。

10、May spring breeze, the afterlife can do stray and freedom. 願來生能做春風,流浪又自由。

11、I am only the passing of your heart, I stay for you, and you will not take. 我隻是你心的過客,我爲你停留,而你卻不肯收留。

12、Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. 情人眼裏出西施。

13、Believe is one kind of love. F

14、Easy come, easy go. 易得者亦易失

15、Am I allowed to stay out past 我可以十點過後再回家嗎?

16、The person has not changed, the change is the heart. 人沒變,變的是心。

17、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag. 謝謝你的微笑,曾慌亂過我的年華。

18、Miss and you never get it back. 錯過的就再也找不回來了。

19、listen To my Heart 聽我的心跳。

20、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的愛是個夢,卻有真實。

21、Having one heart and being faithful are the gentlest power in the world. 一心一意是世界上最溫柔的力量。

22、Learn to walk before you run. 先學走,再學跑。

23、it’s never too late to mend、 過而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊補牢,猶未晚也。

24、I like you, in the past, you once was that person who I most love. 我喜歡你,在過去,你曾經是我最愛的那個人。

25、What is love? Maybe when you are waiting, love is here. 等待,也許就是愛情本身。

26、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq. 時間真是個偉大的東西啊,可以讓命運颠沛流離。

27、Too much sadness nowhere to tell, too many sad how easy. 太多心酸無處訴說,太多難過如何灑脫。

28、Sometimes we feel tired because we are lost in our life. 有時候,我們覺得累,是因爲在人生的道路上,忘記了去哪。

29、Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知識是珍寶,但實踐是得到它的鑰匙。

30、As long as we still have tomorrow, today is always the starting line

31、The best accessory a girl can own is confidence.   一個女孩最好的飾品就是自信。

32、If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lose. 如果你想要卻不去拼搏,那麽失去了你就别哭泣。

33、One of the best memories I have of him was when I first got him. It is a very significant moment in my life. 【vs】 我記憶中最美麗的時刻是我剛得到他的時候,這是我生命中非常重要的時刻。

34、The magnificence of the stars in your eyes is greater than the me 你眼裏的星河浩蕩,勝過我所見的山川河

35、Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving. 愛情并不需要你處處完美,但需要你變得寬恕。

36、For a long time, love for a long time, learned a lot, is crying a lot, understand a lot of

37、Later I finally forgot you even mention only smile 後來我終于忘記了你連提起都隻剩笑意。

38、In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 想要不可替代,就必須與衆不同。

39、你眼裏有星河閃爍值得半生蹉跎 There are stars in your eyes worth half a life wasted


41、You are my destiny

42、Each piece of the young will be old. 每段年少都會蒼老。

43、We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public. ——我們從未真正長大,我們隻是在别人面前學會了假裝。

44、Keep you close at heart. 靠近你的内心。

45、If you love somebody, don't let them slip away.若愛一個人 就别讓他從你身邊溜走。

46、Man can conquer nature人定勝天。

47、I would like to meet a warmyou wander. 我願颠沛流離再遇見溫暖的你。

48、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距離使兩顆心靠得更近。

49、Love should be like wine. The longer you keep it, the stronger it will taste . 真正的愛情

50、better late than never、 遲做總比不做好;晚來總比不來好。

51、I dream about being with you forever

52、I thought there would be a result of hard work,but meeting or parting I can not decide. 以爲努力就會有結果,原來聚散不由我。

53、You are my most dazzling lights! 你就是我最耀眼的發光體!

54、Life's greatest regret,than the wrong insist,and easily give up. 人生最大的遺憾,莫過于錯誤的堅持,和輕易的放棄。

55、The heart like sea you call I how to let go. 人心像海你叫我怎麽釋懷。

56、My heart is perfect,because you are inside. 我的心很完整是因爲,你在裏面。

57、Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze. 很需要你 就像蒲公英需要微風。

58、Can not get is forever, forget was once . 【vs】 到不了的就是永遠, 忘不了的就是曾經。

59、Think of a person for no reason, she gave you some expectations for tomorrow, but did not appear in your tomorrow. 無端想起一個人,她曾讓你對明天有所期許,但是卻完全沒有出現在你的明天裏 。

60、I love people who now hold . 我深愛的人現在抱着誰。

61、We just met not to start 我們隻是相遇未曾開始

62、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day. 即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

63、LUHAN 有木有人

64、A word of goodbye, two of the world。

65、We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past. 後悔過去,不如奮鬥将來。

66、I only do a star in your world! 我隻做你世界中的一顆星星

67、Being singl means you're strong and patient enough to wait for someone who deserves your worth. 單身意味着你足夠堅強,有足夠耐心去等待那個值得擁有你的人。

68、從喜歡你等那一刻起,我的眼中便再無世間萬物。From the moment I like you and so on, there will be no thi

69、first you made my heart beat 第一次你讓我心跳。

70、Love you so crazy you dream. 愛你如此,癡你如夢。

71、Things do not change,we change. 世界沒變,是我們變了。

72、那些令你一下子長大的事情你要永遠記得(you should always remember the things that made you grow up at o

73、However long the night, the dawn will break.  不管黑夜有多長,天亮總會到來。

74、Unless it is otherwise you all love is sad. 除非是兩情相悅否則所有喜歡都是心酸。

75、Finally, you opened its mouth before I put a hand. 最後是你開了口 我才放了手。

76、I'vefallenforyou 我爲你墜入情網。

77、You use your gentle eyes, killed who want to forget you. 你用你那溫柔的眼神,殺死了我要遺忘你的我。

78、I want someone to be afraid of losing me. 我希望,會有人害怕失去我。

79、Good, that's a bad,, on behalf of you proud

80、There was no one ahead. I didn't know who to run to. 前面沒有人,我不知道要跑着迎接誰。

81、I have no sense of security,because I love you too. 我沒有安全感,是因爲我太愛你。

82、We use

83、Don't look back to the person who is worth your back. 别往後看了,值得你回頭的人不會走。

84、Want to have m

85、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福隻需要四步:你、我、我們的

1、I need you like a heart needs a beat。我需要你,就像心脏需要跳动。

2、Now, I believe that I am a person can be very good! 现在开始,我相信我一个人可以很好!

3、Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened

4、How many loved your moments of glad grace. 多少人爱过你青春的片影。

5、We are very good but not happened 我们都很好 只是时间不凑巧

6、Love you is not my intention. I try to be alone, but I can't stop missing you. 爱你,不是我有意的。我试着孤独,却止不住思念。

7、All in all, just past. Ever had, only memories. 一切的一切,只是过去。曾经的曾经,只是回忆

8、When you think you are not in. 想你的时候你也恰好不在

9、Withered flower is beautiful, the tears falling is broken, is hard to redeem past sins. 凋残的是花谢的美,落下的是破碎的泪,难赎的是前世的罪。

10、May spring breeze, the afterlife can do stray and freedom. 愿来生能做春风,流浪又自由。

11、I am only the passing of your heart, I stay for you, and you will not take. 我只是你心的过客,我为你停留,而你却不肯收留。

12、Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。

13、Believe is one kind of love. F

14、Easy come, easy go. 易得者亦易失

15、Am I allowed to stay out past 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

16、The person has not changed, the change is the heart. 人没变,变的是心。

17、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag. 谢谢你微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。

18、Miss and you never get it back. 错过的就再也找不回来了。

19、listen To my Heart 听我的心跳。

20、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实。

21、Having one heart and being faithful are the gentlest power in the world. 一心一意是世界上最温柔的力量。

22、Learn to walk before you run. 先学走,再学跑。

23、it’s never too late to mend、 过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。

24、I like you, in the past, you once was that person who I most love. 我喜欢你,在过去,你曾经是我最爱那个人

25、What is love? Maybe when you are waiting, love is here. 等待,也许就是爱情本身。

26、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq. 时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。

27、Too much sadness nowhere to tell, too many sad how easy. 太多心酸无处诉说,太多难过如何洒脱。

28、Sometimes we feel tired because we are lost in our life. 有时候,我们觉得累,是因为在人生的道路上,忘记了去哪。

29、Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知识是珍宝,但实践是得到它的钥匙

30、As long as we still have tomorrow, today is always the starting line

31、The best accessory a girl can own is confidence.   一个女孩最好的饰品就是自信。

32、If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lose. 如果你想要却不去拼搏,那么失去了你就别哭泣。

33、One of the best memories I have of him was when I first got him. It is a very significant moment in my life. 【vs】 我记忆中最美丽的时刻是我刚得到他的时候,这是我生命中非常重要的时刻。

34、The magnificence of the stars in your eyes is greater than the me 你眼里的星河浩荡,胜过我所见的山川河

35、Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving. 爱情并不需要你处处完美,但需要你变得宽恕。

36、For a long time, love for a long time, learned a lot, is crying a lot, understand a lot of

37、Later I finally forgot you even mention only smile 后来我终于忘记了你连提起都只剩笑意。

38、In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 想要不可替代,就必须与众不同。

39、你眼里有星河闪烁值得半生蹉跎 There are stars in your eyes worth half a life wasted


41、You are my destiny

42、Each piece of the young will be old. 每段年少都会苍老。

43、We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public. ——我们从未真正长大,我们只是在别人面前学会了假装。

44、Keep you close at heart. 靠近你的内心。

45、If you love somebody, don't let them slip away.若爱一个人 就别让他从你身边溜走

46、Man can conquer nature人定胜天。

47、I would like to meet a warmyou wander. 我愿颠沛流离再遇见温暖的你。

48、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

49、Love should be like wine. The longer you keep it, the stronger it will taste . 真正的爱情

50、better late than never、 迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。

51、I dream about being with you forever

52、I thought there would be a result of hard work,but meeting or parting I can not decide. 以为努力就会有结果,原来聚散不由我。

53、You are my most dazzling lights! 你就是我最耀眼的发光体!

54、Life's greatest regret,than the wrong insist,and easily give up. 人生最大的遗憾,莫过于错误的坚持,和轻易的放弃

55、The heart like sea you call I how to let go. 人心像海你叫我怎么释怀

56、My heart is perfect,because you are inside. 我的心很完整是因为,你在里面。

57、Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze. 很需要你 就像蒲公英需要微风。

58、Can not get is forever, forget was once . 【vs】 到不了的就是永远, 忘不了的就是曾经。

59、Think of a person for no reason, she gave you some expectations for tomorrow, but did not appear in your tomorrow. 无端想起一个人,她曾让你对明天有所期许,但是却完全没有出现在你的明天里 。

60、I love people who now hold . 我深爱的人现在抱着谁。

61、We just met not to start 我们只是相遇未曾开始

62、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day. 即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。

63、LUHAN 有木有人

64、A word of goodbye, two of the world。

65、We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past. 后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

66、I only do a star in your world! 我只做你世界中的一颗星星

67、Being singl means you're strong and patient enough to wait for someone who deserves your worth. 单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够耐心去等待那个值得拥有你的人。

68、从喜欢你等那一刻起,我的眼中便再无世间万物。From the moment I like you and so on, there will be no thi

69、first you made my heart beat 第一次你让我心跳。

70、Love you so crazy you dream. 爱你如此,痴你如梦。

71、Things do not change,we change. 世界没变,是我们变了。

72、那些令你一下子长大的事情你要永远记得(you should always remember the things that made you grow up at o

73、However long the night, the dawn will break.  不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。

74、Unless it is otherwise you all love is sad. 除非是两情相悦否则所有喜欢都是心酸。

75、Finally, you opened its mouth before I put a hand. 最后是你开了口 我才放了手。

76、I'vefallenforyou 我为你坠入情网。

77、You use your gentle eyes, killed who want to forget you. 你用你那温柔的眼神,杀死了我要遗忘你的我。

78、I want someone to be afraid of losing me. 我希望,会有人害怕失去我。

79、Good, that's a bad,, on behalf of you proud

80、There was no one ahead. I didn't know who to run to. 前面没有人,我不知道要跑着迎接谁。

81、I have no sense of security,because I love you too. 我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你。

82、We use

83、Don't look back to the person who is worth your back. 别往后看了,值得你回头的人不会走。

84、Want to have m

85、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福只需要四步:你、我、我们的
















