

发布时间:2022-04-05 05:30:01

1、You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt. 你說,哪天我不要你了,你一定終身不嫁,讓我内疚。

2、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell. 在回憶裏繼續夢幻,不如在地獄裏等待天堂。

3、Time to teach you see every face. 時間教你看清每一張臉。

4、The most cool of the but people, most humble feelings.最涼的的不過是人心,最卑微的不過是感

5、What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. (殺不死你的東西隻會讓你更強大 )

6、C. ΒaΒyYou canmake me Feel th way (彼

7、I don't want to wait for you all the time. I'm tired, too 不想一直等你了,我也累了

8、The city is always windy and lonely people always come home late. 這城市總是風很大 孤獨的人總是晚回家。

9、Ordinary accompany the most reassuring, know you are the most warm. 平凡的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最溫暖。

10、I miss you but i miss you 我想你,但是我錯過了你

11、I believe good things happen every day. 我相信每天都有好事發生。

12、u can u up , no can no bb . 你行你上啊,不行别bb。

13、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. 有一天那個人走進了你的生命,你就會明白,真愛總是值得等待的。

14、All eyes are on the longing of his body. 【vs】 所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。

15、I loved you. I leave you. I’ll miss you. 曾經愛過你。現在我走了。将來,我還會想念你

16、The time will hesitate can breathe, will stop for us. 時間會猶豫會呼吸 ,會爲我們停。

17、Time urged me to go against your life. 時間慫恿我背離你生存。

18、Goodbye my tears fall down and failure. 再見我的眼淚跌倒和失敗。

19、All don't belong to me, don't impose on me 一切不屬于我的,别強加在我身上

20、From what I can see in your eyes, I know you are my Mr.Right. 确認過眼神,我遇到對的人。

21、I’ve finally found that life goes on without you. 最後我終于發現,沒有你,我的生活還是照樣在轉

22、The more you care the more you have to lose.在意的越多,失去的就越多。

23、I like a lot of people. But I only love you .我可以喜歡很多人,但我隻愛你一個

24、Your name is my heart, I don't want to reveal. 你的名字是我不可吐露的心事。

25、I'm not as strong as you think , but I can't find the place where the weak can rest

26、Future time, will have my shoulder.未來的時光,有我的肩膀。

27、Cada mulher tem em alguns casos não pode acompanhar a história de. 每個女人都有一段别人無法效仿的故事。

28、They live on, even when we're gone

29、Look at that face,you look lke my next

30、There is no denying that you are still the protagonist of all my memories. 不可否認,你依舊是我所有記憶的主角。

31、I can not choose the best choose me 我不能選擇那最好的自己是那最好的選擇了我。

32、I don't want to say goodbye to do with you, respectively 【vs】 我不想說再見不想與你分别

33、I like simple thingsSomething clean and clear. 我喜歡簡單的事物 幹淨的東西和清楚的感覺。

34、I envy her, even her lie in the way that you love. 我好羨慕她,連她說謊的方式你都愛

35、My sky is bright because of you. 我的星空因你而明亮。

36、Empty heart, is the best gift; Alone the way, is the most beautiful scenery. 放空的心,是最好的禮物;獨走的路,是最美的風景。

37、Sometimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go where your heart takes you. ——有時候,我們不要想太多,順着自己的心意就好了。

38、Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful. 每一樣東西東西都會在對的時間出現,請懷着耐心和感恩去等待。

39、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.愛是永恒的,外表可能改變,但本質永遠不變。

40、I can only live once and can not be generous to the people I do not love. 我亦隻有一生,不能慷慨贈予我不愛的人。

41、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me. 如果有一天你把我弄丢了,那我就永遠讓你找不到我


42、I am not giving up, I am just staring over

43、The things what you care too much are always torturing you.你過于在意的東西永遠都在折磨着你

44、You are the air, is my life. 【vs】 你是空氣,是我的命。


45、I am your traveler, you are my heart. 我是你的過客,你卻是我的心。

46、e must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 我們必須接受失望,因爲它是有限的,但千萬不可失去希望,因爲它是無窮的。

47、Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too. 有本事任性的人,也要有本事堅強。

48、Keep on going never give up!

49、Texte de la blonde, mais je dis .文字的蒼白無力 、訴說着我的無奈。

50、bandit 強盜

51、You don't have much good, I like it. (你不用多好,我喜歡就好)

52、Your heart I will never touch the city. 【vs】 你的心是我永遠觸摸不到的城。

53、just don't want to lose my smile left with pride. 沒心沒肺地笑 隻是不想輸掉僅剩下的驕傲。

54、Everything has a price, the price of happiness is suffering. 凡事皆有代價,快樂的代價便是痛苦。


56、- To desperately love one, to believe in this era 去拼命的愛一個人 去相信這個時代

57、When the tears flow down, just know, separate is also another kind of understand. 當眼淚流下來,才知道,分開也是另一種明白。

58、Some peop

59、Something you will realize only when you do it,when you makemistakes or when you grow up. 有些事,做了才知道。有些事,錯了才知道。有些事,長大了才知道。

60、You do not know I am missing you. 我在想你,你卻不知道 。

61、You are a nearby lamp and a distant star river. 你是近處的燈火,也是遙遠的星河。

62、Nothing is sweeter than you. 沒有比你更甜美的了。

63、The origina

64、Love is being stupid together

65、One day I will be at the heart proud to tell you things 有天 我會指着心髒 驕傲的告訴你,這裏換人了。

66、I can feel you near me. 我能感覺你就在我身邊。

67、I will give you all my love.(我将給你全部的愛。)

68、Love is like the wind, you can not see it but you can feel it. 愛就像風一樣,看不到,卻能感覺到!

69、Some people, need deep and eternal remember. And some people, and need to work hard to forget. 有些人,需要刻骨銘心的記住。而有些人,需要努力的忘記。

70、A person afraid of loneliness, afraid to live up to two people. 一個人怕孤獨,兩個人怕辜負。

71、Perhaps a start is unknown to you, I slightly fresh. 也許一開始我對你而言是未知略帶新鮮。

72、時光與愛永不老去.Time and love never grows old

1、You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt. 你说,哪天我不要你了,你一定终身不嫁,让我内疚。

2、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell. 在回忆里继续梦幻,不如在地狱里等待天堂。

3、Time to teach you see every face. 时间教你看清每一张脸。

4、The most cool of the but people, most humble feelings.最凉的的不过是人心,最卑微的不过是感

5、What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. (杀不死你的东西只会让你更强大 )

6、C. ΒaΒyYou canmake me Feel th way (彼

7、I don't want to wait for you all the time. I'm tired, too 不想一直等你了,我也累了

8、The city is always windy and lonely people always come home late. 这城市总是风很大 孤独的人总是晚回家。

9、Ordinary accompany the most reassuring, know you are the most warm. 平凡的陪伴最心安,懂你人最温暖。

10、I miss you but i miss you 我想你,但是我错过了你

11、I believe good things happen every day. 我相信每天都有好事发生。

12、u can u up , no can no bb . 你行你上啊,不行别bb。

13、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for. 有一天那个人进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

14、All eyes are on the longing of his body. 【vs】 所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上

15、I loved you. I leave you. I’ll miss you. 曾经爱过你。现在我走了。将来,我还会想念你

16、The time will hesitate can breathe, will stop for us. 时间会犹豫会呼吸 ,会为我们停。

17、Time urged me to go against your life. 时间怂恿我背离你生存。

18、Goodbye my tears fall down and failure. 再见我的眼泪跌倒和失败。

19、All don't belong to me, don't impose on me 一切不属于我的,别强加在我身上

20、From what I can see in your eyes, I know you are my Mr.Right. 确认过眼神,我遇到对的人。

21、I’ve finally found that life goes on without you. 最后我终于发现,没有你,我的生活还是照样在转

22、The more you care the more you have to lose.在意的越多,失去的就越多。

23、I like a lot of people. But I only love you .我可以喜欢很多人,但我只爱你一个

24、Your name is my heart, I don't want to reveal. 你的名字是我不可吐露的心事。

25、I'm not as strong as you think , but I can't find the place where the weak can rest

26、Future time, will have my shoulder.未来的时光,有我的肩膀

27、Cada mulher tem em alguns casos não pode acompanhar a história de. 每个女人都有一段别人无法效仿的故事。

28、They live on, even when we're gone

29、Look at that face,you look lke my next

30、There is no denying that you are still the protagonist of all my memories. 不可否认,你依旧是我所有记忆的主角。

31、I can not choose the best choose me 我不能选择那最好的自己是那最好的选择了我。

32、I don't want to say goodbye to do with you, respectively 【vs】 我不想说再见不想与你分别

33、I like simple thingsSomething clean and clear. 我喜欢简单的事物 干净的东西和清楚的感觉。

34、I envy her, even her lie in the way that you love. 我好羡慕她,连她说谎的方式你都爱

35、My sky is bright because of you. 我的星空因你而明亮。

36、Empty heart, is the best gift; Alone the way, is the most beautiful scenery. 放空的心,是最好的礼物;独走的路,是最美的风景。

37、Sometimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go where your heart takes you. ——有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了

38、Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful. 每一样东西东西都会在对的时间出现,请怀着耐心和感恩去等待。

39、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

40、I can only live once and can not be generous to the people I do not love. 我亦只有一生,不能慷慨赠予我不爱的人。

41、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me. 如果有一天你把我弄丢了,那我就永远让你找不到我


42、I am not giving up, I am just staring over

43、The things what you care too much are always torturing you.你过于在意的东西永远都在折磨着你

44、You are the air, is my life. 【vs】 你是空气,是我的命。


45、I am your traveler, you are my heart. 我是你的过客,你却是我的心。

46、e must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。

47、Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too. 有本事任性的人,也要有本事坚强

48、Keep on going never give up!

49、Texte de la blonde, mais je dis .文字的苍白无力 、诉说着我的无奈。

50、bandit 强盗

51、You don't have much good, I like it. (你不用多好,我喜欢就好)

52、Your heart I will never touch the city. 【vs】 你的心是我永远触摸不到的城。

53、just don't want to lose my smile left with pride. 没心没肺地笑 只是不想输掉仅剩下的骄傲。

54、Everything has a price, the price of happiness is suffering. 凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。


56、- To desperately love one, to believe in this era 去拼命的爱一个人 去相信这个时代

57、When the tears flow down, just know, separate is also another kind of understand. 当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。

58、Some peop

59、Something you will realize only when you do it,when you makemistakes or when you grow up. 有些事,做了才知道。有些事,错了才知道。有些事,长大了才知道。

60、You do not know I am missing you. 我在想你,你却不知道

61、You are a nearby lamp and a distant star river. 你是近处的灯火,也是遥远的星河。

62、Nothing is sweeter than you. 没有比你更甜美的了。

63、The origina

64、Love is being stupid together

65、One day I will be at the heart proud to tell you things 有天 我会指着心脏 骄傲的告诉你,这里换人了。

66、I can feel you near me. 我能感觉你就在我身边。

67、I will give you all my love.(我将给你全部的爱。)

68、Love is like the wind, you can not see it but you can feel it. 爱就像风一样,看不到,却能感觉到!

69、Some people, need deep and eternal remember. And some people, and need to work hard to forget. 有些人,需要刻骨铭心的记住。而有些人,需要努力的忘记。

70、A person afraid of loneliness, afraid to live up to two people. 一个人怕孤独,两个人怕辜负。

71、Perhaps a start is unknown to you, I slightly fresh. 也许一开始我对你而言是未知略带新鲜

72、时光与爱永不老去.Time and love never grows old







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